Mid Century Modern Auctions
Why drive to the IKEA jungle for Mid Century Modern knock-offs when you can buy the real thing for the same or less? And you can even do it online at your convenience!
Mid Century Modern Auction houses regularly post large lots for sale. When you know all of them, you can attend every week from the comfort of home if you want (going to one nearby is a fun experience, however.)
To accept the piece, it must be in excellent condition. If you receive it and it’s not, the auction house has processes for returning. They protect your purchase.
Best of all, you can peruse the items coming up for sale at least a week ahead of time. Seeing all of the objects will help you develop your own particular style. Are you an Arne Jacobsen sleek Ant Chair fanatic? Or does a Paul Evans Brutalist style express your style better? A little web-surfing and you’ll find premium pieces to bid on.

Photo courtesy of Crossroads Foundation
Wright (Chicago) – As the premier house for Mid Century Modern, Wright holds auctions of the period’s furniture and decor regularly throughout the year. Specialists in Mid Century, they leave auctions for all other periods to other houses. You can request absentee bids or request a telephone call when specific lots come up. You can also participate in live, online bidding.
Treadway Toomey (Ohio & Illinois) – Based in Frank Lloyd’s home of Oak Park, Illinois, Treadway Toomey rivals Wright for amount and variety of Mid Century Modern furniture, pottery and lamps. They accept absentee phone and email offers. Mid Century Modern specialists, they only take premium, authentic pieces on consignment.
Los Angeles Modern Auctions – this private company holds several auctions every year. Their February auction sold 60 to 70 pieces per hour. Those auctioneers are fast! To participate, you must have an account with LAMA and download the app. All items to be auctioned off appear on the website. Those sold in the previous auction appear as well so you can get an idea of price.
Billings (Los Angeles) – This renowned auction house in the Los Angeles Arts District is one of the few houses where Mid Century Modern enthusiasts can get pieces at reasonable prices. Because it holds fewer auctions, however, it’s important to plan out visits. As with the other houses, you must register as a bidder.
Freeman’s Auctions (worldwide) – holds auctions almost monthly. Their e-catalog and lot listings prepare you. They also hold exhibits where you can review each piece well ahead of auction day.
Palm Beach Modern Auctions – this house makes it easy for you to bid on items through a smartphone app, via the telephone or in-house. If you cannot attend the auction, one of their representatives will bid for you.
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