8 Ways to Encourage Self-Care for Kids


Self-Care for Kids on skateboard going up ramp.

8 Ways to Encourage Self-Care for Kids

While it may be easy to get kids to brush their teeth, self-care isn’t always so simple to encourage. After all, self-care can be difficult or even intimidating if you don’t know where to begin. However, children benefit from the habit of taking care of themselves just as much as adults do. Midcentury Preservation Society outlines ways you can encourage self-care for your children, so they learn the valuable skill that benefits them throughout their lives.


Exercising is an excellent way to encourage kids to take care of themselves. Participating in sports is a great way to stay active, especially if your child already likes the sport or enjoys being part of a team. Getting outside and taking walks can also help kids relax and feel energized after school or on weekends. Same goes for dance, which intertwines exercise with creativity. You can even use different “exercise hacks” throughout the day as part of living a healthy lifestyle, such as taking the stairs instead of an elevator when you’re out and about. Whatever activity you choose, make sure it’s fun, so your child wants to participate and practice self-care through exercise.

Here’s one thing to keep in mind: If you decide to purchase home exercise equipment such as an exercise bike, it’s important to read up on these products before you purchase them. This way, you can ensure you’re spending money on a quality machine. There are many websites that offer handy reviews for many home products, allowing you to easily discover which ones are worth your money and which ones deserve to stay on the shelf.


Meditation can teach your child to have more control over their thoughts and feelings. If there are signs of anxiety inside the home, such as excessive complaining and family members playing the blame game, it’s difficult to establish a living space conducive to calmness necessary for mediation to take place. That said, it’s important to remove sources of stress, such as clutter, so you can set the stage. Meditation isn’t just a practice where you sit still and empty your mind. It’s a state of mind where you acknowledge your thoughts and feelings, learn how to let them go, and KinderCare suggests centering yourself with breathing exercises.

Gratitude Journaling

Have your child practice gratitude journaling. To have a grateful attitude, they have to take stock of all they have. Writing down three things each day your child is grateful for can help reinforce their focus on positive things instead of focusing on what they don’t like. Focusing on negatives leads to an unhappy mind. Practicing self-care for kids is a lifestyle.

Art Therapy

Different By Design Learning points out that art therapy can help alleviate your child’s anxiety, give them a sense of accomplishment, and provide an outlet to express themselves in creative ways. Working on art projects with kids is also a great way for parents or other caregivers to learn more about what their kids are going through.

The Value of Getaways

Teach your kids how important it is to simply get away from time to time. Not only does this break up monotony. It gives you a chance to experience new things, new locales, and new people. One great way to make this a fun learning experience is to take a family trip to a destination that everyone will enjoy, like Disney World. There are plenty of ways to save on such a getaway; use a resource like MouseLifeToday.com to help you find deals on a variety of things, including tickets and places to stay.

Outdoor Fun

Creating a safe and fun outdoor space for your child with a place to play can be a great way to encourage self-care and promote a healthier lifestyle. Your kids benefit from fresh air and time in nature as well.

When it comes to the health of your lawn, it’s best to choose professionals. A professional aerator can fertilize, handle weed control, and ensure your lawn gets the correct nutrients for optimal growth. Don’t hire a lawn aeration service that isn’t licensed or insured. Doing so may end up costing you time and money if anything goes wrong. Check for referrals from satisfied customers and reviews online before making your final decision.

Reduce Family Stress at Home

Discuss ways to reduce stress in your family’s life, such as mindfulness meditation and yoga. Explain how simple daily self-care can improve mental and physical health. If you work from home with kids underfoot, establish healthy boundaries between your family and professional life. It’s crucial to have a routine in place that facilitates stress-free productivity rather than distractions.

Life Skills

Encouraging self-care in your children can help them better handle things now and in later life. Many schools include gratitude or meditation exercises in their curricula. It can be done at home as well — even with young children. Remember to incorporate exercise, meditation, journaling, and, perhaps most importantly, make it fun!

Parenting 101: How to Raise Your Child Through Every Age and Stage


Child Reading Map How to Raise your child

Image from Unsplash

Parenting 101: How to Raise Your Child Through Every Age and Stage

While there is no one way to show up as a good parent, some basic ground rules can help you, as a parent, through every stage of your child’s development. Here, the Midcentury Preservation Society shares essential advice to follow for every age and stage.

Early Years

The early years are a time of significant change and development for your child. Here’s how to provide a loving and nurturing environment during this time:

Middle Years

The middle school years are when your child starts developing into their true self. Here’s how you can support them during this time:

Teen Years

Teens go through many changes, both physically and emotionally. Here’s how to lend your support and understanding during this time.

As a parent, you will always be worried about your child. The good news is that once you know what to expect in each stage of their life, you will feel better equipped to support them. Happy parenting!